Apr 27, 2019 | WarrenW | 1820 views
Peewee Select Final Roster
Thank you to all of the boys for your effort and enthusiasm at tryouts. Below is this years roster and we will be in touch soon regarding our regular schedule. We had some very tough decisions to make and were very happy with the group effort. For those who are not on the roster and are interested extra practices with the opportunity to potentially AP with us when we are short feel free to reach out to me and we can discuss. Best of luck this season!
Alexander |
VanBerkel |
Brody |
Masterman |
Caden |
Morgan |
Clayton |
Poag |
Cole |
Abbey |
Kurtis |
Mann |
Logan |
Woodiwiss |
Luke |
Boere |
Marshall |
Vernon |
Max |
Turnbull |
Riley |
Fickling |
William |
Bos |
Zachary |
Nesbitt |