OBA Concussion Management Protocol
Baseball Ontario is committed to reducing the risk of concussion and the health impacts related to concussions from baseball activities for players, coaches, umpires and third parties. The Baseball Ontario Concussion Management Protocol, in alignment with Rowan’s Law and the recommendations of the Rowan’s Law Advisory Committee, is developed around four standards: 1. A recognized standard of practice for concussion management is used 1.1. The International Concussion consensus guidelines(Zurich) on Management of Concussion in Sports https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/51/11/838 will be the standard of practice for concussion management in Baseball Ontario 1.2. Baseball Ontario will provide Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Select Loop Associations access to the International Concussion consensus guidelines(Zurich) on Management of Concussion in Sports on its website (link inserted) 1.3. Baseball Ontario recommends that all teams/players have access to First Aid kits that contain an appropriate Concussion Recognition Tool as per the Zurich Guidelines 1.4. BaseballOntario will provide Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Select Loop Associations access to an appropriate Concussion Recognition Tool on its website (link inserted) 2. Youth baseball players, coaches and parents are provided education on sport- related concussions 2.1. Baseball Ontario all parents, coaches, players, umpires and trainers will complete concussion education annually prior to registering using resources provided by the Province of Ontario. 2.2. Baseball Ontario will provide accessto appropriate concussion education resources provided by the Province of Ontario on its website (link inserted) 2.3. All parents and athletes will sign a participation agreement (Under Development) confirming that they have participated in pre-season concussion education and that they understand the signs and symptoms of concussion 2.4. BaseballOntario will provide Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Select Loop Associations access to an appropriate participation agreement (Under Development) 2.5. Baseball Ontario recommends that all coaches use a standardized Coach’s Binder, containing sample forms and materials 2.6. Baseball Ontario will provide access to standardized / sample forms and materials required for a Coach’s Binder such as: medical and emergency contact information forms, tracking tools for specific player injuries, a concussion recognition tool, contact information for coaches of other concurrent sports, forms to help track attendance at practices and mandatory injury prevention sessions, permission forms and other documentation of best practices in the particular sport (link inserted) 2.7. Baseball Ontario will work with the required Ontario Ministries to ensure that processes and procedures for mandatory reporting are available to local and affiliate organizations when implemented. 2.8. Baseball Ontario and its various Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Updated: June 2019 Select Loop Associations will participate in annual awareness and learning opportunities,such as “Brain Day” (by Parachute Canada) and Rowan’s Law Day (the last Wednesday in September) to ensure all players are annually provided access to consistent and accurate information 2.9. Baseball Ontario will alert Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Select Loop Associations of annual awareness campaigns 3. Any player or umpire should remove themselves from play, or be withheld from play, if a concussion is suspected or is likely to have occurred 3.1. Baseball Ontario recommends that pre and post activity mechanisms be used to check with players or umpires to identify any injuries or concerns about a player’s or umpire’s well being 3.2. Baseball Ontario recommendsthat teams add a First Aider to theirroster who, in addition to meeting the Baseball Ontario qualifications for a First Aider, is familiar with this protocol and the use of an appropriate Concussion Recognition Tool 3.3. In the event of suspected injuries, players/parents and umpires should be encouraged to seek medical attention 4. Players and umpires should not return to play if a concussion is suspected or is likely to have occurred until the appropriate return to learn and return to play protocols have been followed (as per the Zurich Guidelines) and/or medical clearance is received (Mandatory July 1, 2020) 4.1. Baseball Ontario will provide Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Select Loop Associations access to appropriate return to learn and return to play protocols (link inserted) 4.2. BaseballOntario will provide Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Select Loop Associations access to an appropriate medical clearance form (link inserted) 4.3. Baseball Ontario recommendsthat Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Select Loop Associations Local Associations, Select Associations, Affiliated Associations and Select Loop Associations and their coaches encourage communication between community and high school sports coaches to support safe play and the well-being of student athletes