Aug 09, 2023 | Amanda Stezenko | 1117 views
2023 9U Year End Tournament Schedule
The 9u year end tournament takes place this Friday, Aug 11 and Saturday, Aug 12.
Starting Schedule for the 9U Tournament:
Aug 11 6pm Diamond 1 : NM2 vs NM1
6pm Diamond 2: Strathroy Royal Blue vs Strathroy Light Blue
Aug 12 8:15 AM Diamond 1: Strathroy Grey vs Thedford 1
8:15 AM Diamond 2: DKMB Grey vs DKMB Blue
10:00 AM Diamond 1: Camlachie Black vs Strathroy Black
10:00 AM Diamond 2: DKMB Red vs Forest 1
The first team listed in each pairing is considered the home team for that particular game.
Schedule for the rest of the day will be determined as the day proceeds and will be posted at the diamonds.