Return to Play, News (Strathroy Minor Baseball Association)

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Jun 12, 2021 | Amanda Stezenko | 1654 views
Return to Play
First off, thank you for your patience as we prepare to have a 2021 season. With the Government of Ontario moving to Phase 1, we have been given the go ahead to begin our baseball season from Baseball Ontario.  
Week of June 14th - Diamond time is being made available to our competitive teams.  If Coaches have not made contact, they will this coming week. 

Week of June 21st - training starts for everyone. At this time only 10 people are allowed in one group so coaches will need to segregate players on one diamond or run two smaller training sessions.  When Phase 2 starts (predicted to be July 4th) games will be permitted with 25 people on the field as it stands now.  Targeted start for games
Competitive - July 4th
House League - July 12th 

In order to start the season and move forward, REGISTRATION fees need to be paid before June 22. This can be done via Etransfer to s[email protected]  password: Ball2021Please note your child’s name to prevent confusion. 
2021 Registration Fees
Midget/ Bantam/ Peewee $165
Mosquito $148
Rookie $128
T Ball/ Blastball $72
**All Competitive/Select teams will have an additional $25 competitive fee.  Thank you again for your support to minor baseball 
Over the Deep End
For over a combined 45 years of serving the Strathroy Caradoc community Twenty-Two Auto Body and Over the Deep End have generously sponsored our organization this year. We are thankful for their support and look forward to another great season.