Coaches!!, News (Strathroy Minor Baseball Association)

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Jul 16, 2019 | Amanda Stezenko | 1351 views
Coaches and Umpires!!
Please review the below links and complete the requirements.  Our goal as an organization is to ensure the safety and well-being of all our players.

As you may be aware, the Province of Ontario has recently passed Rowan's Law meant to ensure concussion protection for youth athletes across our province.  Baseball Ontario is committed to ensuring that our athletes are safe.  Under Rowan's Law and its regulations, all coaches and umpires are required to review and confirm having reviewed concussion education resources.  This obligation comes into force on July 1 and there is a 60 day window (deadline August 30) for initial compliance.  This will be an ongoing annual requirement thereafter.As such, all coaches and umpires participating with Baseball Ontario are required prior to August 30 to: 
1. Review the Concussion Education Resource found on the OBA Website at
2. Review the applicable OBA Code of Conduct found on the OBA website at 
3. Indicate that you have completed steps 1 and 2 by completing the acknowledgement form prior to August 30, 2019 found at
Coaches and umpires who have not provided the acknowledgement by August 30, 2019 will not be eligible to participate in Baseball Ontario activities. Thanks!